Dubai Winter Fishing and Thunderstorm Safety

10th Sep 2023

Dubai, renowned for its glamorous skyline and golden deserts, also offers an enticing marine paradise for avid anglers. However, with winter approaching, this paradise occasionally faces the wrath of nature in the form of thunderstorms. Fishing, while a delightful recreational activity, poses significant dangers during these stormy times, particularly the risk of lightning strikes. Given that fishing rods can act as antennas, the dangers are intensified. In this blog, we aim to address the risks of fishing during thunderstorms in Dubai and provide guidance for a safer experience.

The Lure of Winter Fishing in Dubai

Winter in Dubai presents an invigorating atmosphere for deep-sea fishing enthusiasts. The cool breezes, clearer waters, and the prospect of a bountiful catch can be irresistibly alluring. But with winter storms becoming more prevalent, it’s essential to be aware and prepared.

Understanding the Risk: Fishing Rods and Lightning

At first glance, the idea of fishing during a thunderstorm might seem distant, even romantic – nature's fury combined with the thrill of the catch. However, the reality can be starkly different and dangerous.

  • Rods as Lightning Antennas: The structure and materials of fishing rods, especially when they are held upright, make them potential lightning conductors. Given that water is a good conductor of electricity, the danger is twofold. The rod can draw the lightning towards an individual, and the surrounding water can amplify the impact. This is especially true for carbon fiber rods, noting that carbon fiber is a material that conducts electricity.
  • Open Water Vulnerability: Being on open water during a thunderstorm increases the risk of being struck. There are limited structures and tall points in open waters, making a protruding fishing rod or even a raised hand a potential strike point.


Prevention is Better than Cure: Safety Measures

  • Weather Forecasts: Always check the local weather forecasts before planning a fishing trip. Websites, apps, and local news channels provide detailed weather updates specific to Dubai's coastal regions. You can get the most accurate forecasts through the UAE’s National Center of Meteorology or Dubai’s Ports, Customs, and Free Zone Corporation.
  • Early Warning Signs: Nature often provides early indicators. If you notice dark clouds, distant rumbles of thunder, or sudden wind changes, it's time to reconsider your fishing plans.
  • Avoid Being the Tallest Point: If you're caught unexpectedly in a thunderstorm, ensure that you and your fishing rod aren't the tallest objects. If on a boat, stow the rod immediately and stay as low as possible.
  • Safe Shelter: Seek shelter immediately if a thunderstorm approaches. If you're on a boat, head to shore at the first sign of a storm, ensuring all electronic devices and metal objects are stored away.

Dispelling Myths: Thunderstorm Edition

There are many misconceptions surrounding thunderstorms and lightning. Here are a few clarifications:

Ocealics' Commitment to Safety

Our commitment to safety isn't just a statement; it's a principle we uphold fervently. Even though thunderstorms in Dubai are infrequent, our preparedness for them is unwavering. At Ocealics, we ensure that we do not conduct fishing trips when thunderstorms are on the horizon. This decision, while sometimes disappointing for eager anglers, underscores our unwavering dedication to the well-being of our patrons.


Dubai's winter offers a unique fishing experience, blending the thrill of the catch with nature's beauty. However, the potential risks during thunderstorms should not be overlooked. By being informed and cautious, anglers can ensure their safety without compromising on the joy of fishing. Remember, no catch is worth jeopardizing one's safety. Enjoy the wonders of winter fishing in Dubai, but always stay alert and safe.

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