Diamond Trevally

8th Dec 2020


Scientific name: Alectis indica

Internationally, it is referred to as the Diamond Trevally. Other common names include Indian Threadfish, Mirror Fish, and Plumed Trevally. In the UAE, it is known as Ethaimi (عظيمي).

Shape and color

The Diamond Trevally has a compressed and diamond-shaped body. It is silver in color with a rainbow-like shine. The major identifying feature of the Diamond Trevally is near the head, where it has a slight concavity near the eyes, distinguishing it from its close relatives.



It is commonly found swimming around deep coastal waters and seaward coral areas at various depths up to 100m and is usually found swimming independently without a school. 


It is a carnivorous fish, feeding on many marine species including molluscs, crustaceans, small schooling fish, and many others. 

Fishing season

It is an uncommon fish in the waters of the UAE and seems to prefer winter months.

Fishing method

It can be caught using various fishing techniques including fishing nets, casting, jigging, trolling, and bait fishing.

Fun facts

  • The Diamond Trevally can grow to quite big sizes, up to 165 cm in length and 25 kg in weight!
  • It is a fast-swimming fish that can roam over great distances.
  • It is a fierce fighter that does not give up a fight easily, and often tires the fisherman trying to catch it.

Minimum legal length: There is no minimum legal length.

Fishing status: Not banned.

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