1. The importance of choosing a verified fishing charter in Dubai
There are multiple reasons why you should always choose an authentic (verified) fishing charter when planning your upcoming fishing trip in Dubai. Such reasons include the following:
- Safety – Nonauthentic fishing charters in Dubai, more often than not, do not meet basic safety criteria. For example, they may not have life jackets onboard, or may not be equipped with other safety equipment such as fire extinguishers and emergency signaling devices. On the other hand, authentic fishing charters in Dubai are subject to rigorous safety requirements and testing by the relevant Dubai Government entity.
- Non-qualified fishing boat captains – Fishing boat captains working with authentic fishing charters in Dubai must meet various and extensive training requirements, in particular for safety and boat handling. However, nonauthentic Dubai fishing charters rarely hire qualified employees, nor do they train them as per the required standards.
- Experience – A fishing trip in Dubai can be memorable in a good sense or a bad sense. Fishing trips with nonauthentic fishing tour operators in Dubai may not have the best memorable experience. For example, the trip could be terminated on-spot when a Coast Guard inspection offshore takes place.
2. Common tactics used by illicit fishing tour operators in Dubai
In general, individuals and groups almost always prefer to book a Dubai fishing trip with an authentic fishing charter, stemming out of their willingness to comply with the applicable Laws and enjoy a safe and fun experience offshore.
However, to pursue individuals and groups to book a fishing trip through their charters, illicit fishing charters in Dubai have adopted common tactics that make their Dubai deep-sea fishing tours more appealing compared to their authentic counterparts. Such common tactics include but are not limited to the following:
- A mask of authenticity – Illicit fishing charters in Dubai almost never reveal their illicit nature, and often claim authenticity. However, as discussed in section three below, they are not likely able to prove their authenticity.
- Cheap and below-market prices – As nonauthentic fishing charters do not need to meet various laws and rules, such as the most important safety rules, they almost always offer way cheaper prices than authentic fishing tour operators in Dubai. Found an extremely cheap fishing package? Think twice! If something seems too good to be true, it probably is.
- Cash payments – Illicit fishing charters in Dubai mostly accept payments only in cash to avoid having an audit trail in cases where the relevant authorities decide to conduct an inspection. They may also accept bank transfers; however, they seem to request such transfers to personal bank accounts rather than business bank accounts.
- Boat – Authentic fishing charters in Dubai may only operate deep sea fishing trips through a boat labeled as a Dubai Tourism boat and may not conduct the fishing trip on a Dubai Personal boat. This can be identified by looking at either side of the boat for the boat number, whereas if the number begins with DT, then it is a Dubai Tourism boat. However, if the boat number begins with DP, then it is a Dubai Personal boat, which is never licensed to conduct offshore fishing trips for guests and tourists.
- Branding – Authentic and verified fishing charters in Dubai often operate under a popular brand name. They are easily searchable, have real reviews, operate through both a website and social media accounts, etc. However, nonauthentic fishing charters seem to operate merely through a phone number or Instagram, usually with no brand or logo.
3. Verification of a Dubai fishing charter
Now that we have established the importance of choosing an authentic Dubai fishing charter for your next deep sea fishing trip, let’s get into the nitty-gritty!
You can check whether a fishing charter in Dubai is authentic by requesting the following:
- Trade license – All fishing charters in Dubai are required to have a trade license document, licensing them to conduct the activity of “Leisure Yachts & Boats Rental”. A copy of the (valid, i.e., not expired) trade license must be provided immediately to all guests and customers upon request.

- Maritime Activity Permit – Similar to a trade license, every fishing tour operator in Dubai must obtain and retain a Maritime Activity Permit, issued by the relevant Government entity in Dubai. This permit must be valid date-wise and must clearly state the name of the licensed business as per the trade license. As is the case with the trade license, a copy of the Maritime Activity Permit must be provided immediately to all guests and customers upon request.

- Marine Craft License – A Maritime Craft License is a blue card (physical or digital), issued for a Dubai Tourism boat (with a DT number, as described above), containing the name of the licensed business as well as the boat number. Again, a copy of the Marine Craft License must be provided immediately to all guests and customers upon request.

Where a Dubai fishing charter refuses to provide any of the above documents, or where the above documents are not valid, this is a clear red flag indicating that such a fishing charter may not be authentic and must be avoided